About Us


About Us

PICE is a trademark product of Hevener Water Limited. We understand the importance of good health in the lives of people and we were established to help you enjoy healthy hydration, brighten the faces of your loved ones, clients, customers, and enhance human capital development and human dignity.

The company was incorporated in Nigeria in June, 2016 and her principal product is PICE, a world class brand of premium drinking water.

PICE offer total solutions for access to clean water related issue which has become one of the bane of healthy living in Nigeria. It is meticulously curated to ensure that it does not have any traces of impurities. It is aimed at providing a clean and safe drinking water to consumers which will contribute to the eliminating of invisible spread of diseases and illness that occurs through the unfortunate consumption of unclean and contaminated water, a common reality in most developing countries.

PICE has mastered the art of purification and filtration of water making it clean, safe, refreshing and affordable for drinking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It was borne to meet the water requirements of the human body as clean water is a basic essential need for all; mother and child, growing children, active group and the aged. When it comes to high quality water, PICE meets and exceeds all standards.


To provide clean, safe and affordable water to our consumers; while ensuring the health and wealth of our stakeholders.


To become consumer’s first choice of table water brand in Nigeria and West Africa.


These Core Values are our beliefs. They provide control to our behavior and measure our standards of operations.

  • Operational efficiency
  • Effective service delivery
  • Innovative wealth creation
  • Professionalism
  • Social responsibility

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

